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Private Practice Workshop

Aug 29, 2018

Jake Kramer is the ultra-talented web designer and developer who created the John Clarke website itself. In this week’s episode, Jake talks about how good design solves problems.

Also in this episode:

  1. The web design process
  2. How to get clear on who you are and what you offer
  3. How you’re perceived is how you’re receive
  4. Using Story brand to transform your website
  5. What to look for in a great logo
  6. How to build your visual brand
  7. Common website mistakes
  8. Easy ways to make your website better today 

Get your own high caliber, custom website and mention that you heard about Artillery Media through our show:

Books mentioned: 

Built to Sell

Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller


Written By: John Clarke

Produced by: Laura Correa