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Private Practice Workshop

Sep 26, 2018

In this episode, learn from million dollar practice owner Kasey Compton on building solid company culture.

Also in this episode:

  1. how to grow at the right rate

  2. Your first 5 hires

  3. How to find the right people

  4. How to let employees go

Register for the Get Seen Summit, an in-person digital marketing event October...

Sep 24, 2018

John checks in after a weekend in rural Appalachia and then answers listener questions including how to get more traffic to your website, how to market groups, and how to organize your content when you offer multiple services like mentoring, therapy, and coaching.

Meet me in Philadelphia October 19 for the Get Seen...

Sep 19, 2018

Meet me in Philadelphia October 19 for the Get Seen Summit, along with digital marketing experts Katie Keates-May, Ernesto Segismundo, and Uriah Guilford. In this episode Katie breaks down:

  1. The function of Facebook and how to use the platform successfully for private practice
  2. How to set up your Facebook Ads funnel

Sep 17, 2018

Meet me in Philadelphia October 19 for the Get Seen Summit, along with digital marketing experts Katie Keates-May, Ernesto Segismundo, and Uriah Guilford. In this episode, I check in after a stormy weekend in Charlotte and share my new digital strategy roadmap for therapists.

  1. Killer website (logo, colors, images,...

Sep 12, 2018

Alison Pidgeon from Practice of the Practice is on the show today to share what she sees the most successful private practitioners doing in building their businesses, including:

  1. Money Mindset

  2. Worry of hurting other people’s feelings

  3. Hiring the right people

  4. Getting distracted by new ideas

  5. Being held back by...